Preventive Dentistry

We know that preventive dentistry is the best treatment of all. Early and regular treatment can make a big difference in the future health of your child's smile. We aim to stop small problems before they turn into big ones. Preventive dentistry is something in which dentist, child and parent can all participate to ensure success.
Brushing and Flossing

Proper oral hygiene is an important step in preventing tooth decay and gum disease. To remove plaque and food particles, brushing with a soft-bristled brush (hard bristles can damage gums) is recommended after each meal and before going to bed at night. Toothbrushes should be replaced every three months or when the bristles become frayed.

Flossing is an important procedure as brushing alone only cleans 60% of the surfaces of your teeth — approximately 40% of your teeth are cleaned by flossing! Flossing not only removes food particles from in- between your teeth, but also plaque build-up which leads to tooth decay and bad breath. Rinsing after flossing helps remove any loose food particles in your mouth.


Regular check-ups give us the opportunity to supervise the development of your child's teeth, detect early warning signs for a variety of problems including tooth decay, gum disease, or the need for orthodontics.

Regular check-ups include much more than a cleaning and fluoride treatment. At these visits we teach the importance of brushing and flossing habits, and take the time to ensure that your child has the right technique. We take pride in our ability to motivate children to take their dental health into their own hands when they are ready.

Diet and eating habits are also important contributors to your child's dental health. We'll answer any questions you may have — from which foods are hard on children's teeth to advising you on which snack choices are less likely to harm teeth.

Fluoride is a substance that makes makes the enamel on teeth stronger and reduces the possibility of developing cavities. In addition to some toothpaste and mouth rinses that can provide this protection, we recommend the following two additional methods:

Systemic fluoride is the swallowing of fluoride, either through drinking water, or via supplemental drops or tablets. These can be prescribed by a pediatrician or dentist. Topical fluoride is applied directly onto the teeth in our office and should be repeated every six months. These fluoride methods can provide up to a 60% reduction in tooth decay.

Mouth Guards

A properly fitted mouth guard will protect your teeth, tongue, gums, jaws, and TMJ from unnecessary trauma during sports activities. It should stay in place, and allow you to talk and breathe easily. Ask us about a high quality, custom mouth guard made especially for you.


Sealants are a terrific way to protect the chewing surface of teeth by blocking plaque and food from settling into the fine grooves of the back teeth. Sealants are easy to apply — it only takes a few minutes to seal each tooth. Sealants are bonded to the grooves of back teeth and are another preventive measure we offer.