Responsibility for Your Oral Health

One of the things we stress at our practice is the importance of taking responsibility for your own oral health. There are plenty of things the doctor and hygienist can do to help your smile stay healthy, but the primary responsibility for taking care of your teeth and gums belongs with you. And there's more to taking care of your oral health than brushing and flossing regularly. All kinds of factors can have an effect on your oral health. In fact, if you read the section on Diet and Dental Decay you will find that diet plays an important role in a healthy smile and fresh breath.

Check out the section on smoking — did you know that smokers have a 10 times greater incidence of periodontal disease than non-smokers? Brush regularly. Floss regularly. Watch what you eat. And educate yourself on how to take care of your gums and teeth so you have a healthy and bright smile for life.


By now, we all know that smoking is bad for your health. But smoking can also have an effect on your breath. Tobacco use often leads to a common form of halitosis generally referred to as "smoker's breath". Smoking dries the membranes of the mouth which enhances the growth of bacteria, leading to bad breath. In fact, studies have shown that smokers have a 10 times greater incidence of periodontal disease than non-smokers.

Signs of periodontal disease can include: bleeding gums, receding gums, pus between gums and teeth, sensitivity when flossing, swollen or red gums, persistent bad breath, changes in the way your teeth align next to each other, loose teeth.

Don't let your health (and your breath) go up in smoke.

Bad Breath

When an individual has bad breath, bacteria are often present in substantial numbers. In addition to bad breath, those byproducts that the bacteria produce and leave in the saliva, on the tongue and between the teeth can contribute to a very unpleasant taste. Bad breath can be caused by many factors including the food we eat, poor or irregular eating habits such as skipping meals, medication, as well as the consumption of alcohol, the use of tobacco, and other factors.

Individuals who suffer from chronic bad breath react with great embarrassment and discomfort knowing that their mouth odor is unpleasant to those around them. It often causes anxiety and has a negative impact on self-esteem. It is necessary to have chronic bad breath assessed and treated for greater all-around health.

Self Esteem
The teen years can be a very stressful time and having a healthy self-esteem goes a long way in making these often-difficult years easier. Self-esteem is related to many issues, including dental health. Taking proper care of your teeth can go a long way in making you feel better — after all, the first thing we notice about other people is their smile.

Good self-esteem is important; we all want to feel good about ourselves and our accomplishments and our abilities. Positive self-esteem is also related to making good choices about mind and body. When you feel good about yourself, you'll be less likely to follow the crowd of friends doing something you think isn't healthy. With a healthy self-esteem, you know that you're smart enough to make your own decisions and are able to defend yourself against negative peer pressure. How does one improve self-esteem? It starts with you. Take a look at yourself and feel proud of who you are. Surround yourself with people who feel the same about you - stay away from people who are negative influences. Take care of yourself. See the best in yourself. Stay positive. And smile.